Property Tax Questions

When are Rutherford County Property Taxes due?
Property taxes are due the first Monday in October of the current year. You may pay your taxes through the last day of February of the following year without interest charges.

What is the Rutherford County Property Tax Rate?
The 2023 property tax rate is $1.8762 per $100.00 of assessed value.

What is the Town of Smyrna Property Tax Rate?
The 2023 property tax rate is $.5257 per $100.00 of assessed value.

What is the City of Eagleville Property Tax Rate?
The 2023 property tax rate is $.4051 per $100.00 of assessed value.

Effective October 2019: The Rutherford County Trustee is now the collecting agent for the City of Eaglevile property taxes. Eagleville property owners will receive ONE bill for their City and County taxes. Eagleville residents can visit the Smyrna Trustee's office or the Murfreesboro office to pay in person or pay online or via mail.

Effective October 2017: The Rutherford County Trustee is now the collecting agent for the Town of Smyrna property taxes. Town of Smyrna property owners will receive ONE bill for their City and County taxes. Town of Smyrna residents can visit the Smyrna Trustee's office or the Murfreesboro office to pay in person or pay online or via mail.

For more information please call:

  • Murfreesboro (615) 893-5210
  • Smyrna 615-898-7705
  • Lavergne (615) 793-3388
  • Eagleville 615-898-7705

What time period do my annual taxes cover?
January 1st to December 31st

I purchased the property this year. Who is responsible for paying the taxes?
New property owners should review their closing statement or contact their title company to confirm who is responsible for paying taxes. Unpaid taxes continue to accrue against the property.

My mortgage company pays my taxes. What do I do with the tax bill?
This tax bill is for your information. The tax information is forwarded to the mortgage companies upon their request.

Can I receive an early payment discount?
No. Rutherford County does not provide early payment discounts.

What are Personal Property taxes?
Personal property taxes (sometimes referred to as personalty taxes) are levied on the business furnishings and equipment that you report to the Rutherford County Assessor of Property.

I am out of business. What do I do with this bill?
Anyone in business on January 1st of the current tax year is responsible for paying the taxes for the entire year, even if they ceased operations prior to December 31st. If a business is no longer operating in Rutherford County, please contact the: County Clerk’s Office (615) 898-7800 and the Property Assessor’s Office (615) 898-7750.